Hooves and Halos...

December is mostly halfway gone, and while some have started singing about roasting chestnuts over an open fire, I myself have been busy cracking any which kind of nut.

Which is really just another way of saying that I've been spending a lot of time lately preparing for Sebastopol Ballet's Nutcracker performances next weekend.

This year I've traded in a sparkly tiara for fourteen angel halos and ten sets of lamb ears, my pointe shoes for gold angel slippers and little black sheep hooves. Quite an exchange :)

Since this is my first time in many years not performing, it's been nice to stay involved in the production by managing the angel and lamb rehearsals instead.

The dancers in these groups consist of girls between the ages of 5 and 7, some of whom have been my ballet students in previous or current years. It's been fun to work with them in a little different setting than a typical day at class.

So next weekend, you'll find me over at Analy theater- pinning on wings, drawing on noses,  and administering a hug or two to calm the backstage butterflies and the "I want my mommy" tears...

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