A breath of myth and mystery
"There's a smell of adventure in the air. Red roofs, green trees, blue sky, white road..."
The day after a storm is always charged with the feeling of adventure. The air is fresh and pure, washed clean by the cascading water and rushing wind. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer, the trees are taller, and the clouds are closer. Every breath is filled with life and vivacity, every dancing breeze sings it's story, every whisking draft whispers a mystery. The cheerful voices of the birds, the happy hum of the grass, the enticing call of the wind- they all combine together in a deafening chorus, urging you to leave behind your cozy fires and open books, to follow them, to come out and find that secret something, that could be hidden just over this hill, or that one, or the next one... the only question is, will you hear their call, step out, and join them?
"The forest had been so quiet, and now it was so full of sound. The trees were murmuring something to her, and the birds were singing it, and the brook was trying to tell it too, but it would keep chuckling over the very idea so that you could hardly hear what it was saying, and there were rustlings in the grass- 'Get up, get up,' everything was calling to her, 'dance, dance'... the wind waits for you up yonder- will you go to meet it? Ah, stay here! The hedges have put on their green coats for you; misty green are the tall elms from which the rooks are chattering. Along the clean white road, between the primrose banks, he comes. Will you be 'round this corner? - or the next?"
-- A.A. Milne; Once on a Time
The day after a storm is always charged with the feeling of adventure. The air is fresh and pure, washed clean by the cascading water and rushing wind. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer, the trees are taller, and the clouds are closer. Every breath is filled with life and vivacity, every dancing breeze sings it's story, every whisking draft whispers a mystery. The cheerful voices of the birds, the happy hum of the grass, the enticing call of the wind- they all combine together in a deafening chorus, urging you to leave behind your cozy fires and open books, to follow them, to come out and find that secret something, that could be hidden just over this hill, or that one, or the next one... the only question is, will you hear their call, step out, and join them?
-- A.A. Milne; Once on a Time
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