I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, having a desk that faces out to a window with a beautiful view isn't the best idea if you want to be productive in your work.
Of course, it's also possible that the break which an occasional (or more than occasional) glimpse out the window provides is actually quite essential, and will ultimately help one to be more productive afterwards... whatever the case, I would prefer to be a little less productive if that means I can catch sight of something wonderful now and then.
Today, not only was my work interrupted by daydreams out the window, but my daydreams were furthermore interrupted by a fluttering of bright blue and red feathers...
... Apparently, bluebirds know a good game when they see one. This pair was taking turns darting in and out of two holes in the tree-- they seemed to be enjoying the novelty of the little tunnel before finding a perch on which to watch as the other took it's turn.
Happily for me, they didn't mind having a third party and her camera, along with a few other small birds stationed nearby, join in as part of the audience.
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