A Story...

Once upon a time a girl met a boy…

            She liked him immediately- his voice, his smile, his way of addressing people. But she couldn't ever tell him so, and tried (very unsuccessfully) not to let it show. But somehow, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop liking him. So she created a blog, a secret way for her to write out her thoughts and dreams, and hope that maybe, just maybe, he would read them. 
            He did.

           Slowly, the boy began to like the girl as well. He liked her smile, first. Then her shoes, and the way she held a coffee cup, and the thoughts she voiced or wrote and… mostly he just liked her.  He didn't try not to let it show, once he decided she was the one.

            Now they are married, and the girl has a very hard time keeping up her blog since it is no longer used for writing secret messages…

All the same, I recall promising to post pictures of a certain special project  "sometime in late summer".  I didn't quite anticipate it being late summer of another year, but… =)

It's hard to believe that it's been more than a year since I got to marry my best friend… 

As promised, a photo of my completed dress… 

And some others of our first day as husband and wife…

...my little paper airplane got to share in some of the festivities…

...all the layers of floaty silk made for a fun dance dress…

           and lastly,  one of my favorite moments… heading out together for a life of great adventures...

