A little project...

I've been spending the past couple afternoons putting together costumes for my students to wear in the upcoming Summer Recital. This is always a rather fun process- I enjoy the opportunity to work on a project that's a little out of the ordinary, and my students are always very excited to finally wear a pretty pink tutu (probably the main reason they started ballet in the first place...). I'm particularly pleased with the way the costumes turned out this year. I only have three students, as opposed to the ten or so that I've had in previous years, so I've had a little more time and resources to put into each costume...

The costume in it's original, factory-fresh form just waiting for something creative to happen to it...

I'm always looking for projects to add these silk flowers to, and this one turned out to be the perfect fit. 

Twelve little flowers, a couple strings of sequins, and one cup of coffee later, and the costumes are well on their way...

Tack everything down, put on a few finishing touches...

...now just add three little ballerinas, a lit stage, and some cheery music- and we have the recipe for a rather happy audience...


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