Eternity in our hearts...

"He has put eternity in their hearts..." Eternity in our hearts. A little spark of God's glorious dwelling place gleaming and glittering in the depths of ourselves. It's an incredible thought. It's an impossible reality.

How does this paradox affect our views and ideas? Does it change the way we view this short life on earth? Does it change the way we treat people? Does it turn our temporal viewpoints into eternal, God-centered ones?

For myself, I know that this does not affect me as profoundly as it should. Far too often, I refuse to acknowledge or give heed to the call of eternity in my heart. I get caught up in what others think or want, in what I think or want. I don't look at situations and people the way God looks at them, in the brilliant light of eternity. Instead, I see things through my own sinful human eyes, and squint at life through the dimness of a light that has been clouded by this world and it's culture.

It's a new year. New hopes, new dreams. New expectations, new resolutions. It's also a new day. New mercies, new forgiveness, new peace. I'm not going to make a new year's resolution, because I think it's too easy to procrastinate on them. Instead, I'll make a new day resolution, and repeat it each morning when I wake up. A resolution to allow God to change my views on life, and transform my temporal perspective into an eternal one.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55: 8-9


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